onsdag 10. juli 2013

A Grand Public Forum Meeting in Seattle on Ethnic Cleansing

Posted by: admin    Tags:      Posted date:  July 5, 2013  |  No comment

We have three great men coming to Seattle. Two of them are our patriots who labor day and night to free Ethiopia from TPLF tyranny. You know journalist Abebe Gellaw who made history by helping change the course of  Ethiopian history. On May 18, 2013, he took care of a killer by the name of Meles Zenawi who for 21 years raised hell on Ethiopia and Ethiopians.
Zenawi did not die of cancer. Where have you seen cancer killing someone when that person is scared as Zenawi did on that day, May 18, 2012 at the G8 Summit when Abebe attacked suddenly and swiftly? No, it is fear that killed Zenawi and not cancer. A heart attack and its consequences may have brought that killer to a halt, thank God. Any way, it does not matter how and why Zenawi died. The main thing is he is now dead and gone. And the man who highly contributed to his death is with us. And he is our hero. Abebe will be our guest of honor speaking on ethnic cleansing being committed on Amhara people in Ethiopia.
Our other guest of honor is Mr. Obang Metto who is actively working in diplomatic circles as well as within the opposition promoting peace and reconciliation. He is well-known for coming to the rescue of Ethiopian refugees around the world on top of struggling to bring freedom, democracy, and peace in Ethiopia. Mr. Metto will be speaking on ethnic cleansing . He has a first hand information on the killings of the Anuak people in Gambella by the direct order of Meles Zenawi.
Last but not least, our third guest of honor is the president of Genocide Watch, Dr. Gregory Stanton. He won’t come to Seattle but he will be joining us via video. He will share his expertise about genocide in general and his take on what is going on in Ethiopia as far as ethnic cleansing is concerned and where it may lead. His passion for the oppressed around the world is his life mission. His mission is not glamorous and does not make money. But Dr. Stanton is a great human being many greatly admire, love and respect.
The public Forum meeting will be held on Saturday July 13, 2013 staring at 1:00PM at the Yesler Community Center. The address is: 917 East Yesler way, Seattle 98122and the phone number is 206-386-1245.
This is a very  important meeting that we all have to come to discuss and find a solution to the ethnic cleansing being committed by TPLF on Amhara people in Beneshangul, Gura Ferda and other areas in Ethiopia.
Please come and be there on time.

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