lørdag 13. juli 2013

People around the world Reaction After Ethiopian Plane caught fire [Reactions from CNN and Twitter]

After the news that Ethiopian airlines planecaught on fire was covered by international media, instead the of the main news, many people were surprised to learn that Ethiopia has airline and owns the most advancedplane in the world.
Here are the reactions from CNN and Twitter.
Reactions from Twitter
@DerekDuvall86 Forget the plane fire at Heathrow, what i want to know is how the fuck Ethiopia managed to afford the Dreamliner in the first place.
@pragueairport never thought I’d hear Ethiopia and Dreamliner in same sentence!
@06_rich Wtf. Ethiopia has an airline,don’t expect any food on board.
@oFrizzleJizzle That Ethiopian airlines plane caught fire because it’s made from sticks and mud. What did you expect?
@thereaddigger Never mind the #Heathrow fire, how on earth did Ethiopia afford brand new airplanes?
@emem_chi “Ethiopian Airlines plane catches fire” … Honestly, i didnt realise theyd discovered fire in Ethiopia.
@summervilleguy BREAKING NEWS: Ethiopia has an airline!
@Nhatorious Who in Ethiopia even flies on the 787 Dreamliners?
@lee_p65 Why have Ethiopia got a Dreamliner, when they can’t feed their people #confused
@jimigrimble Ethiopia can’t feed its population but it can afford a Boeing 787 #nointernationalaid
@davidhayes27 Ethiopia can afford Dreamliners but can’t feed their people……strange choices
@MrMcAnuts Ethiopia: 1987, a 3rd world country. GB spearheaded an initiative to help.
2013, their state of the art plane goes on fire in 3rd world GB
@BillShay2 WTF are Ethiopia Air doing with a Dreamliner anyway? Cost of plane£140m, UK AID £330m per annum. Mugged off. #Ethiopia #stopforeignaid
@misspiggyhelen Why does Ethiopia have an airline when it’s people are starving?
@Antikrish If Ethiopia has 50 fancy dreamliner airplanes, why the fuck are we still sending them rice?
@movieScope Ethiopia-one of the world’s poorest countries yet govt owned airlines buy Boeing Dreamliners for a pop which can’t afford to fly?
@48thEagle How can an airline owned by a government as poverty stricken as Ethiopia afford a Dreamliner?
@FalconPez I’m quite surprised that a country that is in such poverty, that Ethiopian Airlines can afford the brand spanking new 787 Dreamliner!
@swedishmarcus The most surprising thing about the news of an Ethiopian Airlines fire at Heathrow is that Ethiopia has an airline.
@_emmamae Yeh! Not surprised though… It’s Ethiopia airlines..
@skirbi year after year we are asked for charity for Ethiopia yet they can afford to have a their own airline using 1 of the most advance planes
@femiTRIPP Ethiopia is got a thriving airline flying all over the world yet Nigeria do not have one single plane
@BAlexMA The passer by white guy said “I didn’t even know Ethiopia had airline.” The fire at least put us on the map.
@andiaye_ Someone commented :” if Ethiopia is a poor country how can they afford to have Boeing” and someone else replied :’ they receive aid”.
@AndySana Surprised by reactions about Ethiopia owning an Airline, operated for sixty years and not well known? where is our marketing coin going to?
@theforgetler Jah! (I crack myself up sometimes)Ethiopia has an airline??
Reactions from CNN
TrayvonKardashan • Ethiopian have an airplane? They barely eat food!
outhernwonder • i did not know ethiopia has airplanes.
odette99 • Wow Ethiopia can afford a Dreamliner…now that is amazing. I wonder if Obama gave it to them.
coment8r southernwonder • a lot of us are stuck in the bloated belly past – Ethiopia has evolved
Paul Williamson • No real facts, or news for that matter…maybe the Ethiopians built a campfire in the plane and were roasting a goat..
SirOinkers • I thought flying in Ethiopia meant flapping your arms in a tribal feather dress.
johnsmith9875 SirOinkers • I hate flying Air Ethiopia. Meals are never served, ever.
tet1953 • What shocks me is that there are enough people coming and going to Ethiopia to require a Dreamliner.
HeavyCavalrySgt • I am a little surprised that Ethiopian Airlines operates 787s. I didn’t realize that, but it looks like they own almost 10% of the fleet.
Knightmario “The fire ignited on an empty 787 operated by Ethiopian Airlines that was parked at London’s Heathrow airport.” I find this statement disturbing. This is a country which still holds the highest number of citizens who are literally starving to death, yet can afford the latest in commercial aircraft.
GodIs JustAnIdea Knightmario • Ethiopian is a private airline company and their customers are Americans and European who go to Ethiopia to steal all the natural resources and have sex with local prostitutes, which are very cheap over there yet quite hot …
so see, it’s not the country .. we pay for the airplane …
J.tell GodIs JustAnIdea • Ethiopia doesn’t have a lot of natural resources. And it’s hard to call something “stealing” when you have a buyer and a seller agreeing upon a price. I’ll need to check out the prostitute thing first hand and get back to you, though the Ethiopian chicks in the DC metro area are hot, but not cheap.
GodIs JustAnIdea J.tell • well, see, this is what you do not know of the Ethiopians .. they are indeed very smart, at least those who got an education, which is very hard to get in Ethiopia
With regards to the babes .. they are among the most beautiful women in history … of course … it’s Africa so sex is a dangerous business
Oh natural resources .. dude .. Ethiopia has no oil, but tiny rocks you can make into expensive thing women will want you to buy for them
J.tell GodIs JustAnIdea • Well, I’m only having safe sex until marriage, so I am always careful. I do know a little about Ethiopia. That country’s economy is growing fast now. It’s also greatly expanding it’s hydro power, so much so that it will be a major exporter of electricity. But the quantity of it’s natural resources is not high, especially considering it’s large population. It will have to depend on it’s most important resources….it’s people.
GodIs JustAnIdea J.tell • unless war breaks up again, Ethiopia will be a leading country in African in 10-15 years .. just wait .. these guys are extremely smart … so many wars selected the smartest only among the survivors
J.tell GodIs JustAnIdea • I agree. Ethiopia’s high GDP growth numbers are more sustainable over the long term than many other African countries. This will translate into a more important role for the country.

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